Tag: "chicken"

Medifast Journal Day #6

The weekend is the period I dread the most.  At work, my routine is normal and I have my set break periods to eat my Medifast Meals.  At home is another matter.  Free for all reins with tons of foods to be snacked on or absently stuffed into my mouth.  I did good though.  My wife worked today so I secluded myself in the basement to busy myself with my hobbies and managed to eat on schedule (as if my stomach would allow me to do otherwise) and grilled chicken and zucchini again for dinner.  I think I’m going to have to put zucchini in the garden this year….I don’ t think I have room in the back yard to raise chickens though….

Medifast Journal Day #4

I pee.  I pee A LOT.  I pee more than I have ever peed in my life that I can remember.  Normally, it was every 3 or 4 hours but now it is like every 90 minutes or so.  I’ve been sleeping well but wake up in the middle of the night because I have to urinate at least once.  My only liquid intake (other than what is in the food I eat) has been water.  No soft drinks, no coffee, no tea (wait…tea?  can I have that? I’ll look into it…) no milk, just water, and LOTS of it.

I use water as a filler to help during the meal times.  It works for the most part as I have not been hungry until right before it is time to eat my Medifast Meal.  I can almost set my clock by it.  Every 2 hours my stomach starts to grumble and depending on where I am I’ll either eat then or try to make it to the three hour mark before eating.  I drink a lot of bottled water.  It is convenient, cold and helps me gauge how much i’m drinking at a sitting.  I usually drink 8-16 oz. per meal.  This translates into a workout for my kidneys.

Had grilled chicken and grilled zucchini with salad for dinner.  I need to find something other than chicken to cook!  I’ve looked on various websites and have found a couple of sites I will look more at such as Get Skinny Be Happy.