Medifast Journal Day #13

Well today was a fun filled day. Took the family to visit my parents and celebrate a belated Mother’s Day along with my wife’s birthday. We took a picnic to the local park and I managed to resist snacking on all the lovely picnic items. I took the Cheese Pizza Bites and that sustained me, […]

Medifast Journal Day #12

Today was a pretty good day.  I found out I can eat PIZZA!  Well, ok, not real pizza but there are Medifast Pizza Bites that if you try to imagine real hard actually taste somewhat kind of like cheese pizza.  Ok, after 12 days I’ll take what I can get. I’m really liking the pretzel bites […]

Medifast Journal Day #11

Pretty steady day today.  I had coffee for the first time since starting the diet and it was OMG delicious.  I used non-dairy non-fat creamer and some Sweet & Low instead of sugar.  I felt particularly energized after that but I seemed to be a bit hungrier today than normal.  It was hard getting to […]

Medifast Journal Day #10

Today was an anomaly from the past 4 or 5 days.  I was hungry…all day long.  Even after my Medifast Meals I was still hungry.  Nothing seemed to satisfy.  I drank a bunch of water but it didn’t seem to help.  I did forget my vitamin this morning and I wonder if that had something to do […]